CLOA : 6th June Yinnon Ezra – Gov Advisor on Library Policy So do we really need superheros to sort out Public Libraries? : 11th June Maria Miller | Speech – British Hospitality and Tourism Summit 2013 A return for investment on the spend we make. And making the most of  the money we spend – building synergies between culture, sport and  tourism – to get the biggest bang for our buck.  That is why I made a speech to our arts and culture leaders last  month explaining to them the need to make the economic case for the  arts.

Question Everything : 10th June Ingress and egress  We now have the savings Swindon Borough Council have made from cutting the staffing from the library,  making it a co-location charity shop and handing it over to volunteers …

THE INDEPENDENT : 11th June Letter – Shirley Burnham (scroll down)

THE BOOKSELLER : 11th June SoA warns publishers over e-book loans to libraries

Society of Authors : 11th June Philip Pullman calls for authors to be paid properly for ebook library loans

Heart Radio : 11th June Southend: Consultation On Future Of Libraries “This is a real opportunity for everyone to help shape Southend’s library  service over the next decade and a half.  .. “We already have a  high-performing library service and with this  far-reaching review and consultation, we now have the chance to look at  things way beyond the traditional remit of how many of us view a  library.”

Southend Standard : 11th June Branch libraries to remain open But if too few people step forward to volunteer during a three-month  public consultation, starting today, then the council has promised to go back to the drawing board – and not close libraries.

Harrow Times : 10th June Harrow Conservative group ‘uneasy’ with library and leisure contracts

BBC News : 11th June Manchester | Levenshulme library to be run by local high school

Manchester Evening News : 11th June High School steps in to save axed library in Levenshulme The girls-only school is close to signing a deal with Manchester Council, which is offering to let them use the space rent-free.

Manchester Gazette : 11th June Community plans for Levenshulme Library unveiled Levenshulme Library will remain in its building thanks to a pioneering  plan devised by a local head teacher working with the council and local  community.

Hereford Times : 11th June Leominster info shop set to move into the town’s library Former Leominster librarian, Peter Holliday, said he was “appalled” by the proposals by the county council which could see library funding cut by 75 per cent. …. Mr Holliday said he has written to the communities minister about the issue which he feels is of such importance.  “We  don’t have many cultural things in the county and those we do have are very important – we thrive on the arts. These things are most  important and doubly so in a rural county.”

EADT 24 : 10th June Debenham: Library plans ambitious move to Sir Robert Hitcham School