DAILY TELEGRAPH : 31st October
British arts establishment is full of ‘relentlessly left-wing groupthink’, former culture minister says

a-n.co.uk : 1st November
National demonstration against closure of libraries and museums set for 5 November

Socialist Worker : 1st November
Time to take action to save libraries, galleries and museums

Plymouth Herald : 1st November
Reprieve for Plymouth’s libraries and toilets in council cuts re-think

Yorkshire Post : 1st November
Library cuts will hit ‘most marginalised’ hardest 
VFTL’s Dr Lauren Smith quoted 

Darlington & Stockton Times : 1st November
Council pledges to support scheme to save libraries 
The cuts are coming so the volunteers will have to take this forward …

Yorkshire Coast Radio : 1st November
Both Bridlington libraries to stay open


News & Star : 1st November
Opening hours cut at north Cumbrian libraries

Chronicle Live : 27th October
‘Selling the family silver’ – Newcastle City Council slammed for library move
The cash-strapped authority plan to clear out the fifth floor of the City Library …..

Samantha Galbraith image 4 - People's Lives

Libraries News Round-up: 13 March 2018

ITV News: 13 March Council to discuss future of libraries in Northamptonshire http://www.itv.com/news/anglia/2018-03-13/council-to-discuss-future-of-libraries-in-northamptonshire/ Northampton Chronicle & Echo: 13 March Tight timescale for groups hoping to run libraries in Northamptonshire revealed https://www.northamptonchron.co.uk/news/tight-timescale-for-groups-hoping-to-run-libraries-in-northamptonshire-revealed-1-8414217…