The Guardian: 1 June
UK desperately needs new volunteers to fill yawning gaps in public services
ITV News: 1 June
Funding cuts threaten South Tyneside libraries
Chronicle Live: 1 June
Future of four libraries at risk of closure as South Tyneside Council tries to manage budget cuts
Shields Gazette: 1 June

Consultation launched on the future of libraries in South Tyneside
Gazette Live: 1 June
Mobile library to stay on Redcar and Cleveland roads after ‘U-turn
South Yorkshire Times: 1 June
Favourite Things: Librarian Lesley on promoting reading in Doncaster
‘My wish would be that school libraries were made a statutory requirement and that the librarians who run them with such passion be recognised as crucial in teaching children research skills and making them information literate, as well as promoting reading to them as a skill for life.’
Litchfield Live: 1 June
Staffordshire | Council chiefs say new Lichfield Library will create a “first class” facility in the city
Warrington Guardian: 1 June
Warrington North candidates debate Brexit, air pollution and library services
Whilst two pledge to save libraries, ‘Cllr Marks, a former council leader, does not believe they should be saved ‘at all costs’.
He said: “The world is different now in terms of the internet. By involving the community and different organisations we can actually make the library service better than before at no extra cost.  It needs a big shake-up.”‘
North Somerset Times: 1 June
North Somerset Council to spend £460,000 improving lights at Castlewood in Clevedon
‘In the past two months North Somerset Council has made library assistants redundant, raised council tax and agreed its ‘hardest budget’ ever, however it has just agreed to spend almost half a million pounds on new lights for its headquarters.’
Express & Star :31 May
Walsall | Pelsall Library to close next month amid cost-cutting plans
Just one of the nine libraries to be closed to save funds

Libraries News Round-up: 16 March

Northern Echo : 16 March 2017 North Yorkshire's 1,200 volunteers preparing to take over county's libraries London News Online : 16 March Lewisham | Leaf and Groove shop plan to raise funds to…