BBC News : 1st June
Save Lincolnshire Libraries establishes fighting fund

Herts & Essex Observer : 1st June
Essex | £1m new fund to support voluntary groups & projects aimed at strengthening community-led activity

Wales Online : 1st June
Angry protesters chain themselves to bookshelves in last ditch attempt to save library 
Police were called after a group of campaigners chained themselves up at Rhydyfelin Library, near Pontypridd : 1st June
Changes to UK copyright law come into action
The claim from the UK Government is that these changes will generate £250m for the UK economy over the next 10 years. With the press release claiming that the new regulations will save libraries, archives and museums around £26m per year or £260m over the same period, it is questionable as to where, beyond these saving, the financial benefits are to be found.


Libraries News Round-up: 25 October

THE BOOKSELLER : 25th October CILIP urges Westminster to rethink library cuts Sutton Coldfield Local : 25th October Birmingham | Deputy Leader Ian Ward to attend library closure public meeting…