A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Public Libraries News : 20th March
Developed Countries Libraries down, Developing Countries Libraries up?

Information Daily : 21st March
Library services are more than buildings, says Capita 
New article – Shirley Burnham argues that public servants should be safeguarding the library service against the private sector’s predatory practices  which threaten the public good.

THE GUARDIAN : 21st March
Glossop battles over fate of town’s historic gothic hall and new library

THE ECONOMIST : 21st March
E-books mean a plot twist for public libraries and publishers

Good Library Guide : 21st March
Where is Yinnon Ezra? 

Southend Standard : 21st March
Council defends spending £12.5m on Forum while closing branch libraries

BBC News: 21st March
Petition over potential closure of Sheffield libraries
Councillor Shaffaq Mohammed said there was “anger across Sheffield” at the Labour-run authority’s plans. “We’ve put forward a number of sensible suggestions which would allow the council to avoid the closure of a single library.
Unfortunately, these have been rejected by Labour bosses who are determined to protect their own pet projects.”

Look Local : 21st March
Sheffield | Library petition reaches 10,000
“Whilst every library is precious, closing a library in outlying areas would have a particularly negative effect as local residents would have miles to travel to access similar services. We are urging Sheffield’s Labour councillors to cut spending on Town Hall refurbishments and expensive consultants instead”

Coventry Telegraph : 21st March
Libraries and adult courses under threat in Coventry City Council cuts
But he vowed to do all he could to keep all Coventry’s 18 libraries open.

South Wales Argus : 21st March
Protest meeting bid to save Stow Hill library

Surrey News : 21st March
Surrey CC Teenagers choose library stock in UK first project – and it’s not all about Twilight


Library News Round-up: 12 August 2015

THE BOOKSELLER : 12th AugustBirmingham Council confirms 'pause' on library book fund + Laura Swaffield, The Library Campaign, is quotedhttp://www.thebookseller.com/news/birmingham-council-confirms-pause-book-fund-309270 Birmingham MailBirmingham libraries banned from buying new books by city councilhttp://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/birmingham-libraries-banned-buying-new-9842985 BBC News…