Via email

2 January 2016

Dear Ed

We are delighted to see you broadcast on Twitter the huge value of public libraries, and spell out how vital they are.

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We would love you to join the Speak Up For Libraries public rally at Central Hall next Tuesday morning February 9th, which has exactly the same aim.

We could find a slot for you to speak any time between 11am and 1pm

Better still, Alan Gibbons will be there.

We know you were very keen last year to debate with him in public the figures on library closures. But you were unable to attend on any Saturday.

This is a wonderful chance, at last, to grant your wish – on a weekday, minutes from the Commons and with an interested audience. 

We look forward to welcoming you.

Please let us know what time would be most convenient for you.

Best wishes

Laura Swaffield and Elizabeth Ash

on behalf of The Library Campaign

The Library Campaign – supporting friends and users of libraries
Registered Charity (E&W) no.1102634
Follow us on twitter @LibraryCampaign
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The Library Campaign are a part of: Speak Up For Libraries is a coalition of organisations and campaigners working to protect libraries and library staff, now and in the future.

Speak Up For Libraries is a coalition of organisations and campaigners working to protect libraries and library staff, now and in the future.


Twitter: @SpeakUp4Libs using lobby hashtag #SUFLlobby16



Library News Round-up: 10 February 2015

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