The latest announcement on is of huge concern.
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Laura Swaffield, Chair of The Library Campaign, says

“I really had thought the government couldn’t sink any lower on libraries. But now it’s moved from lazily passive to actively hostile.

People don’t want to run libraries. Even those who end up doing it. They want a proper service run by professionals. That’s what you need in the information age.

Contrast Scotland, where Moray is the very first case of planned mass closures.  The librarians’ professional association (CILIPS) made a strong public statement as soon as the protests began in September, and now the minister has actively intervened.

What next? Create your own hospital?”

If implemented, the impact of this policy, could be very damaging, with the very real potential of establishing a handful of Super Libraries and hundreds of volunteer run book exchanges, resulting in a breach of the 1964 Act.

phonebox library

Libraries News Round-up: 22 December 2015

LSE : 22nd December You don't have to close public libraries to kill the principle upon which they were built -- Ian Anstice West Briton : 22nd December Truro Library…