A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Manchester Evening News : 13th May
Keep Manchester libraries open or face book boycott, say protesters

There’s no such thing as the wrong sort of book
Unfortunately, libraries will be a historical concept as alien to  most 17-year-olds as the works of George Eliot by the time Mr Gove’s  government has finished with them. A total of 146 libraries were closed  from 2010 to 2011, and a further 201 in 2012.

The Star : 13th May
Letter | Digital by default and the need for libraries

Skegness Standard : 13th May
Lincolnshire | New book service for Bratoft and Irby            
The library book collection is managed by the Village Hall Committee and run by volunteers.

CILIP Scotland : May 11th
CILIPS releases statement on cuts and closures in Moray

From the archive, 13 May 1976: Libraries look at economy cuts


And, from our website:

Let’s Get Real – Libraries are in Crisis. Now!
Laura Swaffield, chair of  The Library Campaign, says it’s time to stop arguing and call for ACTION. She has presented this list to the Society of Chief Librarians. Comments – and additions – please!


Laura Swaffield, chair of The Library Campaign, says it’s time to stop arguing and call for ACTION. She has presented this list to the Society of Chief Librarians. Comments – and additions – please!

heart book

1. The Library Campaign is getting a constant stream of requests for help & advice from communities trying to take over libraries (with or without council support). It is hard to give them what they need.

2. Moreover, we have the absurd and wasteful situation where many library services are having to deal individually with a large number of new problems that are, in fact, common to all. Some could be answered by an expert panel, and standard fact sheets. Others need proper agreements at national level.

3. Also needed is a means of maintaining awareness of what a proper library service is, especially among those who now can only easily access a “community-run” facsimile.

We suggest a checklist of what a full service offers, to be ticked at each site, so that all can see what is available on site, remain aware of what is available at the ‘central’ library, and perhaps aspire to
restoring a full service in time.

A good example of the genre is the ‘model of service’ checklist-cum-development-plan produced by the Reading Agency in 2007 for their improvement programme for youth libraries (Fulfilling Their Potential).

See pp 7-10. Campaigner magazine Winter 2007-8: No 75 on our home page.


1. Need for proper access to/analysis of CIPFA figures.
2. PLR (relationship to national system, possible extra costs to non-statutory libraries, etc).
3. Real implications of /requirements under legislation covering health & safety, equalities, human rights, TUPE, copyright (eg, photocopying), licensing for events/music/films/alcohol, data
protection, etc.
4. Insurance
5. Protection of children & vulnerable adults, CRB etc.
6. Handling cash/security.
7. RFID.
8. LMS – small individual or linked to council system.
9. IT systems – as above.
10. Access to borough/national catalogues & inter-library loans.
11. Status of the Universal Offers & other national reading schemes, eg Summer Reading Challenge.
12. Ability to help with online benefit claims, job applications etc (IT provision, staff training, ethics/legality of volunteers handling personal information).
13. Access to national schemes like the Reference Online discount deal.
14. Access to reading groupsets music & playsets.
15. Training required to deal with all the above.
16. Organisational kit – draft constitution etc.
17. Volunteer policy.
18. General advice on funding/sustainability;
19. Safeguards for communities that can’t run their own library.
20. Guidance on support by that is needed by volunteers.
21. Advice on which general model to adopt in running a “community” service.
22. Stock management (eg, dealing with additions, exchanges and withdrawals for stock provided by the library authority).
23. Not least, numerous health & professional issues for trained staff having to train/work with large numbers of untrained staff.

heart book

Please feel free to add your comments and suggestions.

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Public Libraries News : 12th May Editorial | One of our favourite things

Question Everything : 11th May If it were a statutory instrument, it would have to go before the House http://questioneverythingtheytellyou.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/if-it-were-statutory-instrument-it.html

Don’t Privatise Libraries : 11th May The LGA and ‘non-statutory’ Public Libraries The LGA continues to misinform about the Library Service – Current and historical evidence http://dontprivatiselibraries.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/the-lga-and-non-statutory-public.html

Mancunian Matters : 12th May ‘We will continue the fight!’ Manchester campaigners vow to save six libraries in line for imminent closure A passionate campaigner has vowed to continue her struggle to save  libraries across Manchester – yet more than half of those consulted  agreed they should be axed.
manchester library

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Alan Gibbons Blog : 11th May Campaign for the Book | Letter to LGA chairman. Libraries are statutory. Letter to Sir Merrick Cockell, chair of the Local Government Association. http://alangibbons.net/2013/05/letter-to-lga-chairman-libraries-are-statutory/

Facebook : 11th May Herefordshire |A councillor is sending out a standard letter to all who protest the library closures https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=260393124104954&id=259375180873415

You Tube : 11th May Leominster Library is under threat. Jonathan loved visiting it before he started school http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OV4hxz35gNU&utm_content=buffereb0c9&utm_source=buffer&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Buffer

BBC News : 11th May Historic Kettering Library reopening http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-northamptonshire-22490274

Daily Echo : 11th May Southampton library opening times to change http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/10413982.Southampton_library_opening_times_to_change/

Swindon Advertiser : 11th May Swindon library user is upset over 50p socket fee http://www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk/news/10413535.Swindon_library_user_is_upset_over_50p_socket_fee/Save Croydon Libraries : 10th May Croydon spin on Upper Norwood Library
http://soslibrary.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/croydon-spin-on-upper-norwood-library.htmlSave Burnage Library | Manchester : 10th May Updated – The Contemporary Doomsday Book is out http://saveburnagelibrary.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/the-contemporary-doomsday-book-is-out.htmlupper norwood


A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

ACE’s Ashley: libraries ‘good at adapting’

Eastell to be next SCL president 

Save Herefordshire’s Libraries
To Herefordshire Council
We call on Herefordshire Council to oppose the 75% cut to Herefordshire’s  Library Service and the subsequent closure of all but one of the  county’s Libraries.  One library can not provide a comprehensive and  efficient library service for all persons in the area that want to make  use of it, as required by the Public Libraries and Museums Act.

Public Libraries News : 9th May
“Fear of change”: William Sieghart interviewed

Save Burnage Library | Manchester : 10th May
The Contemporary Doomsday Book is out
So the long awaited library consultation report to the neighbourhood scrutiny committee was published on Thursday. It  is a mammoth 164 page document of 9MB in size, which is why I’ve been  somewhat quiet. Unsurprisingly, I’ve been doing what all good library  users do. I’ve been engrossed reading it before the weekend. For what it is worth, I am shocked at the poor quality of the analysis and together with the rest of the campaigns around Manchester, I am shocked at the  rhetoric.

Scilly Today : 9th May
Scilly’s New Library Gets First Public Viewing

Burton Mail : 10th May
Staffordshire | Libraries offer online practice citizenship tests

shelves of library

A petition has been launched to save Herefordshire libraries from savage cuts. The petition reads:

We call on Herefordshire Council to oppose the proposed 75% cut to Herefordshire’s Library Service and the subsequent closure of all but one of the county’s libraries. One library can not provide a comprehensive and efficient library service for all persons in the area that want to make use of it, as required by the Public Libraries and Museum’s Act

Why is this important?
Many people, all ages and from all backgrounds, are adversely affected when a local library is closed:
• As well as a place from which to borrow books, the local library provides information and free ICT. It’s a place to meet friends and join social activities such as, reading groups, bounce & rhyme sessions, storytelling sessions etc.
• Children need libraries to support their literacy and reading development. The library also provides them with a place to study, with staff that can help them with their homework. .The Summer Reading Challenge ensures that children continue to develop their reading skills during the long summer break.
• There are many people, especially the elderly, and those living alone, who value the opportunity offered by the library and its staff, for conversation and companionship.
• The local library is a place where vulnerable members of the community feel safe and receive support.
• There are very few indoor, public spaces which are warm and welcoming, where one can linger without spending money.
• People visit the local library if they need help; for example with form filling, letter writing, using ICT etc., or when they need information that they are unable to find elsewhere. There are still large numbers of people who do not have access to IT, other than in their local library.
• Job seekers, make use of the library’s ICT to look for and apply for jobs; they also borrow books on job seeking techniques, writing CVs, interview skills etc., and books to help them improve their work based skills. An economic downturn is the worst time to close libraries.
• When Universal Credit is introduced applications will have to be made online, those without cat home will need to make use of ICT in their local library.
• Many visitors to the county use the libraries for tourist information; they also value the ICT for communicating with friends and family back home and for printing airline, coach and train tickets for their return journeys.
• The provision of ‘Books on Prescription’ supports the work of the health service
• Researchers in, for example, Family History and Local History rely on the library to provide them with the relevant source materials.

To sign the petition and read the comments of others click here: http://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/save-herefordshire-s-libraries

Follow the campaign on Twitter @savelibservices 

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Harrow Observer : 9th May
Library outsourcing decision delayed due to Labour split
A decision whether to outsource the running of Harrow’s libraries to a  not-for-profit trust has been delayed due to the collapse of the cabinet committee.   ……..  the cabinet committee meeting was cancelled after the announcement  yesterday that nine Labour councillors, including the leader of the  council, Councillor Thaya Idaikkadar, were splitting to form their own  Independent Labour group. Consequently, the other portfolio holders  comprising the cabinet , all now rival Labour group members, were dismissed.

BBC News : 9th May
Council services face further cuts, warn local leaders
LGA says libraries are “non-statutory”
This, it argues, would mean reducing spending on a “broad combination of non-statutory services which might include children’s centres, museums, libraries and sports centres  ……
“almost all of councils’ money would have to be spent  on explicit statutory responsibilities like social services, waste  collection and concessionary travel, meaning that the money available  for all other services, such as libraries, road maintenance and leisure  facilities would have been cut by 90%”.

Manchester library closures to go ahead

Public Libraries News: 8th May
Bad news in Herefordshire, good news elsewhere.  Questions in Manchester and Isle of Wight

BBC News : 8th May
Dorchester’s Charles Street development library to open
A new library and adult learning centre will open in two months as part of a £60m regeneration project in Dorset.

Oxford Times : 8th May
Angst over listed status led to four-year delay over Headington library access

Bolton News: 7th May
Saved Golborne Library ‘thriving’

Hotel libraries: Shelf life
At a time when many councils in Britain are cutting their library  budgets, it is heartening to learn of hotels still investing in books,  and using them as a way to attract and entertain their guests.

Shelf life

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Manchester Evening News : 8th May
Six Manchester libraries face axe within weeks despite protests

Communities Against the Cuts : 8th May
Rebutting the Rebuttal: update on the Library of Birmingham privatisation

Harrow Observer : 8th May
‘Council breaking its promise over libraries’

Webb joins battle for Southend libraries

The Argus : 8th May
Tenders invited for Sussex libraries
A contract to design two libraries is up for grabs. East Sussex County  Council is looking for firms with experience of ground- breaking and  interior design of libraries and public spaces.

New moston library

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Public Libraries News : 6th May
Library Campaign’s call to action on volunteer libraries:  “Let’s get real”

Don’t Privatise Libraries : 7th May
JLIS preferred bidder for Harrow and Ealing Libraries contract
and  http://www.harrow.gov.uk/www2/mgIssueHistoryHome.aspx?IId=75999&AIID=82214

National Literacy Trust evaluates Reading Stars scheme 
Overall, 472 primary schools, 232 secondary schools, 31 libraries, 15  football clubs and one pupil referral unit took part. Thirty-two per  cent of the children were from low-income families.

ACE report shows economic value of arts
http://www.thebookseller.com/news/ace-report-shows-economic-value-arts.html …

Cotswold Journal : 7th May
Broadway | Public consultation on library has begun
and  Questionnaire:

Isle of Man Today : 7th May
Mobile service helping those who can’t get to local library            
The service was threatened with closure last year, because of funding cuts, but rescued when PokerStars agreed to fund it for three years.  Sandra said: ‘They talk about money [the cost of running the service],  but you cannot quantify the value in money terms.’  Annual subscription is £15 for adults and £2 for children.

Maidenhead Advertiser : 6th May
Plans for new library and sensory room to be discussed

Irish Independent : 6th May
Libraries forced to close for days amid staff shortage crisis

This Is Nottingham : 4th May
‘Fantastic’ librarian Laura in running for top award
She said: “Many of our students have poor literacy skills, which mean they have problems accessing some of the curriculum.”

Libraries to debate open access
The implications of Open Access for libraries will be debated in  Westminster at an event hosted by the Libraries All-Party Parliamentary  Group.  The date of the debate has yet to be confirmed, but it will include MPs and representatives from the library, publishing, university and  academic fields.

Paid Content : 3rd May
Sourcebooks, Overdrive launch pilot to demonstrate the impact of ebook library lending on sales

mobile library

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Public Libraries News : 5th May
One volunteer library, many questions: Walcot Library and matters arising

Irish Independent : 6th May
Libraries forced to close for days amid staff shortage crisis

This Is Nottingham : 4th May
‘Fantastic’ librarian Laura in running for top award
She said: “Many of our students have poor literacy skills, which mean they have problems accessing some of the curriculum.”

books in library

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind5.5.13 permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Brent & Kilburn Times : 5th May
Community library lends their support to Brent’s elderly residents

Public Libraries News : 5th May
One volunteer library, many questions: Walcot Library and matters arising

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

The importance of instilling a need to read
Jonathan Douglas is Director of the National Literacy Trust   (literacytrust.org.uk), a charity that transforms lives through literacy.

St Helens Star : 3rd May
Libraries in St Helens’ poorest communities cushioned from most severe cuts
Instead of library closures, hours have been slashed by a fifth as  part of the local authority’s response to making up a £50million  shortfall in government grant.

Brent & Kilburn Times : 3rd May
Project launched to return library service to Dollis Hill residents
Dollis Hill ‘”Love Books”, which was launched yesterday, will see books  from Brent’s Library Service collected and brought to the area’s cafés,  eateries, shops and pubs to create a series of “mini libraries”.   to provide  …. some of the benefits of what libraries offer.

Yellow Advertiser : 3rd May
Southend | Support grows for library
Photo caption:  More than 200 people turned up to support keeping Leigh Library staffed by librarians not volunteers.

leigh library

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Public Libraries News : 2nd May
Outsourcing, food banks, late fees and 3-D printing (sort of)
Ealing and Harrow libraries look set to be outsourced to Laing.   Meanwhile, there’s food collections in Wigan libraries for local food  banks and there are also two unrelated articles about non-payment of  late fees in Camden and Essex.  More internationally, there’s a great  defence of public libraries in New Zealand (under very hostile  questioning)  and the Australian library association want to hear your  views on the future of libraries.  Right, after all of that, here’s a  treat … a not entirely serious suggestion for 3-D printers being the  saviour of libraries in a somewhat unorthodox way

Bicester Advertiser : 3rd May
Fill your house with books urges top author Pullman
“Make sure they know where the library is and that they are always welcome there.”

Updated page – Public Libraries News
List of privatized libraries and prospective outsourced libraries

Alan Wylie’s (2012) letter to the Harrow Cllrs in favour of library privatisation

News from Crystal Palace : 2nd May
Upper Norwood | A Library Campaigner’s Lament


A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Public Libraries News : 1st May
Editorial | What the Chief Librarians said to the campaigners

BBC News : 2nd May
‘Restaurant’ proposal for Sheffield libraries at risk of closure

Wigan Today : 2nd May
Libraries being used as food banks
Traditionally seen as a support service for the homeless, Trish says the range of people using the food bank has changed drastically in recent  months.

Inside Croydon : 2nd May
“No service will be untouched” in further cuts, says CEO

Swindon Advertiser : 29th April
Have your say on the future of our theatres
The programme will look at alternative ways of providing the town’s leisure and cultural services.
Libraries, too ??

Chester Chronicle : 2nd May
Library commitment by Cheshire West and Chester Council
“It was always the older generation that used it and one by one they die off,” she added. Mrs Jones acknowledged the volunteers themselves were  suffering from health issues due to old age ….

Guardian Series : 2nd May
Essex |Loughton Library, Traps Hill, is one of the top five libraries in the county for unpaid fees

Ham & High : 2nd May
Camden | Book fine dodgers could have bailed out a doomed library

Northern Echo : 2nd May
Community which took over its library looks back at its first successful year
As well as continuing its book lending service, ….

Guardian Series : 2nd May
Harrow Green Community Library to open doors to public on Saturday
A team of around 10 volunteers have in recent weeks been busy processing books, of which more than 1,000 are ready for borrowing.

Bury Times : 2nd May
Have your say on library proposals
proposals described in detail

food bank

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

This Is Local London : 1st May
Harrow | The Civic Centre library, in Station Road, set to close as part of service merger

Southend Standard : 1st May
Who uses our libraries?
“I haven’t got a computer at home, we pensioners can’t really afford that sort of thing. If this wasn’t here I wouldn’t be able to get on it, we need our libraries.”

Media Bistro : 1st May
USA | 94% of Parents Think ‘Libraries Are Important for Their Children’
Last year, Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project  surveyed 2,252 Americans aged 16 or older to find out more about library attitudes in America. Here is more information from the inspiring report:

Publishers Weekly : 1st May
Pew Report: Parents Depend on Libraries to Nurture Reading Habits


A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Don’t Privatise Libraries : 30th April
Sold to the highest bidder; a trip to the Public Sector Show! 
a simply brilliant piece of writing

Ashley appointed ACE library director 

THE GUARDIAN : 29th April
Teething troubles on day one of universal credit pilot scheme
many comments feature *libraries*

Don’t Privatise Libraries : 29th April
An update on the proposals to privatise the Library of Birmingham 
If this can be taken at face value then it’s good news but why was the procurement process started in the first place? If it was due to doubts about being able to manage the operational costs then what has changed?

THE GUARDIAN : 29th April
£188m Birmingham library project ready for finishing touch – 2.3m books

Ubergizmo : 30th April
Rural Libraries In China Abused And Turned Into Internet Cafes


A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

FT | Interactive ‘Austerity’ Map
useful for all campaigns

Don’t Privatise Libraries : 29th April
A tale of two libraries
A first-hand account of Alan Wylie’s visit to two North London public libraries.

Nottingham | Bloomsbury supports city-wide reading scheme


A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

Independent on Sunday
Special report: Britain’s REAL big society 
An uncriticial paean of praise – includes reference to Isle of Wight library volunteers

Good Library Blog : 28th April
Sieghart- ebooks – and the reputation of public libraries

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

SCL Executive Meeting Minutes : 27 March 2013

Luton Today : 27th April Council told: ‘Libraries are the gateway to education’ http://www.lutontoday.co.uk/news/entertainment/council-told-libraries-are-the-gateway-to-education-1-5041272

Good Library Blog : 27th April The reputation of public libraries http://www.goodlibraryguide.com/blog/archives/2013/04/the_reputation.html

Lancashire Telegraph : 26th April Library bridge in Blackburn removed in £2m library revamp http://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/10382983.Library_bridge_in_Blackburn_removed_in___2m_library_revamp/

Skegness Standard : 27th April Alford Library open longer due to group

Star-Telegram : 26th April USA | Librarians fight to keep publishers from taking over e-book revolution They are looking to compete by forming their own publishing arms to capitalize on new content streams that have blossomed alongside the  e-book tsunami …


ebook revolution

A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

BBC News : 26th April
Crews tackle blaze at National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth

Ofsted : 25th April
Keeping out of trouble
New report finds young people say they are less likely to commit crimes if they have something else (cheap) to do.
Children’s views reported by the Children’s Rights Director for England.

Don’t Privatise Libraries : 26th April
Seven reasons to oppose the privatisation of the Library of Birmingham – by ‘Communities Against The Cuts’
http://communitiesagainstthecuts.com/2013/04/26/seven-reasons-to-oppose-the-privatisation-of-the-library-of-birmingham/  and

Voices for the Library : 26th April
Natasha S. Chowdory | The Importance of Librarians and Libraries

Belfast Telegraph : 26th April
Fujitsu seals £25m deal to manage ICT in public libraries

Bromsgrove Standard : 26th April
Worcestershire | Catshill library launches



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