If you have some thinking time over the weekend, the library world would like to know two things.
First, what do you think of the very first beta version of the national libraries website? It aims to tell everyone what libraries offer, and how to find your local branch. Find it here: https://libraryon.org
Comment here: hello@libraryon.org, with subject ‘LibraryOn feedback’ And do please copy in TLC! We have our views. We’d like yours: thelibrarycampaign@gmail.com

Second, (Baroness) Liz Sanderson continues her fact-finding mission, to feed into the coming government strategy for public libraries. There’s some cynicism out there about what it might achieve.
Especially as there’s a big elephant in the room – more funding is not on the agenda. However, it’s also fair to say that libraries have long had other faults (and strengths) that had little to do with money. Library users, we are sure, have knowledge and experience that should be taken on board.
Read the latest report here: https://dcmslibraries.blog.gov.uk/2023/03/30/libraries-strategy-update
Comment here: libraries-strategy@dcms.gov.uk.
Again, do please copy in TLC! We have our views – and we’ll be feeding them direct to Liz. We’d like to add yours: thelibrarycampaign@gmail.com

Libraries News Round-up: 15 November 2015

Brixton Buzz : 15th November Lambeth | Carnegie Library to host public meeting, Mon 16 Nov, 6.30pm http://www.brixtonbuzz.com/2015/11/under-threat-carnegie-library-to-host-public-meeting-mon-16-nov-6-30pm/ Retford Times : 15th November Nottinghamshire | VIDEO: Have your say in how Retford area libraries…