Our first Zoom meeting on 14 April was a success. People attended from all over the country. The feedback we’ve had chimes in with our own thoughts – people value the chance to see others and share ideas. Some good stuff came out of it – and many suggestions.

Among the points to emerge were:

·    All Friends groups are valuable, whether they are fighting cuts or supporting a service that isn’t in crisis.

·    Many groups produce useful material that could be shared.

·    The government (DCMS) has a legal duty to ensure good services … but doesn’t.

·    National library bodies seldom do things that library users see as high priority – such as… ·      Demonstrate that libraries are great value for money ·      Run a publicity campaign for public libraries, perhaps centred on social media.

If you want to see what you missed – or refresh your memory – watch the recording of the meeting.

And we will hold another Zoom meeting soon.