The Magic of Libraries – Video for National Libraries Day

THE BOOKSELLER : 3rd February
Journal articles made free to public libraries

THE BOOKSELLER : 4th February
HC UK makes all e-books available for library loan
Good EReader reported that the terms for the titles are the same as they are in the US – each copy can be lent out 26 times before its license expires and it has to be ordered again.

Shropshire Star : 4th February
Shrewsbury festival group sad at library funding crisis
Shropshire Council is beginning a review of its 22 libraries in a bid to save £1.3 million, with some branches possibly facing closure. : 4th February
Group Established To Save Gresford Library
They will explore successful library trusts, how such an organisation can save money and potential locations including the present site.

Gresford Library

Libraries News Round-up: 29 June 2016

BBC News : 29th June Dorset mobile library cuts finalized by county cabinet Libraries Taskforce : 29th June Ayub Khan MBE | Celebrating Shakespeare 2016 - the party goes on…