On The Wight : 3rd June No inquiry into Isle of Wight library closures confirmed

The Northern Scot : 1st June Moray | Libraries campaigners meet MP and MSP

SlideShare : 3rd June All change: responses to the public libraries crisis in England 2010 to 2013 | by Ian Anstice slides & presentation transcript

Public Libraries News : 2nd June Editorial | DCMS in crisis? Oh no, it’s thriving.

THE BOOKSELLER : 3rd June DCMS will not intervene over Bolton or IoW library closures

THE BOOKSELLER : 3rd June CILIP members demand halt to rebrand

Tom Roper’s Weblog : 3rd June CILIP rebranding: call for General Meeting, success and submission We easily reached the necessary hundred signatures and I submitted it to  Annie Mauger, Chief Executive Officer of CILIP, on Friday afternoon, who tells me she will respond next week.

Conservative Home : 3rd June Alan Gibbons  – How can authors be ambassadors of love and respect?

tot and ted

Libraries News Round-up: 19 April 2016

You Tube Caitlin Moran -Save our Libraries https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKTfCz4JtVE&feature=youtu.be Lancashire Evening Post : 19th April Wyre Tories seek inspiration from York in bid to save libraries http://www.lep.co.uk/news/tories-seek-inspiration-from-yorkshire-in-bid-to-save-libraries-1-7862485 Napa Valley Register :…