THE BOOKSELLER : 28th May Sefton and Manchester: libraries latest
Manchester Evening News : 28th May Manchester’s Libraries reprieved amid ‘shambles’ claims Council bosses passed an amended plan at their latest executive meeting after protests from campaigners and a recommendation from other councillors.
It’s Our County : 27th May Herefordshire | Results of Council Emergency Budget Meeting; read Liz Harvey’s account In the days building up to the meeting it became apparent that the administration had no clue as to the nature and extent of its statutory responsibilities for service provision …
Public Libraries News : 27th May Editorial | Public library campaigning: the easy bit may have just ended in Herefordshire http://www.
ACE | You Tube : 23rd May Literature On Your Doorstep – Libraries Development Initiative Herefordshire Libraries took part in this Arts Council project
Conservative Home : 28th May Libraries | Labour implode in Brent http://conservativehome.blogs.
Croydon Guardian : 28th May New library opens in New Addington
East London Lines : 28th May Croydon library contract proceeds after setback
London Borough of Croydon : 24th May Press Release | New library contract comes a step closer a new departure – *self-referral* to Scrutiny My intention now is to ensure that the basis of my decision is examined fully, and that’s why I’ll be ensuring this matter is taken to our scrutiny committee.
This Is Total Essex : 28th May New Springfield library will be a ‘real resource’ It is the first new library to open in Essex for 25 years and will be staffed day-to-day by a team of ten volunteers, with 20 more eager helpers on the waiting list. Around 250 people visited on the first day, reflecting the strong local support for the facility. http://www.thisistotalessex.
Paisley Daily Express : 27th May Renfrewshire | Books no longer have stamp of approval Library staff have started to give borrowers receipts, rather than date-stamping their books. …. Last year, adults borrowed over 420,000 books, CDs and DVDs from Renfrewshire libraries, with junior members taking out a further 120,000 items. http://www.