Richard Godwin: Libraries should survive if only to enlighten us 
The idea that there might be some worth in a public space that does not make a profit for someone or other is baffling to our ministers. It’s almost ideologically offensive.

THE BOOKSELLER : 26th February
Leicestershire proposes major library cutbacks

Public Libraries News : 25th February
Arts funding, refurbishment and imperilment

Tottenham & Wood Green Journal : 26th February
David Lammy MP ‘Our libraries are just as relevant as they have ever been – we can’t afford to lose them’

THE GUARDIAN : 26th February
Libraries in the UK twin with ones in Europe to boost the service
Westminster has launched a project that lets libraries from Paris and London share best practice and resources

Rugby Observer : 26th February
Leicestershire Hours set to be cut at two libraries
Each are currently open for 35 hours over five days of the week, closing on Wednesdays and Sundays.  And while county council chiefs have vowed to keep them as well as 14 others open it could be for as few as seven hours a week. In neighbouring Warwickshire the county council cut the number of libraries it runs in half back in 2011, closing six and handing 12 to community groups

SCL : 26th February
Public Libraries to Commemorate First World War with Digital War Memorial
SCL has been awarded a grant of £196,110 from the National Lottery supported Grants for the Arts: libraries fund through Arts Council England to support a range of projects that will enable community groups to create their own unique responses to the First World War.

Julian’s Musings : 26th February
The challenge for library volunteers
It was an impressive list of duties, and though I doubt it was created to dissuade potential volunteers I could imagine that this would be its effect.

Carmarthen Journal : 26th February
Carmarthen Library to get new £55,000 refurbishment
The new look library will include self service RFID machines with hundreds of new books, new DVDs and CDs available via self service through our new service along with free access to the world’s largest on line newsstand.

Northern Echo : 26th February
Two Stockton libraries to relocate
