ITV News : 20th November
Councils face £124 million funding gap
“The last thing I want to see is any closed, but offloading them is one of the ways we can protect the use of the libraries for the local communities.” — Cornwall County Council
Also quoted :   Devon County Council, Dorset County Council and Plymouth City Council.

Cornish Guardian : 20th November
Launceston Library and One Stop Shop could be combined with adult education to save the services

Hereford Times : 20th November
Campaigners against Ross-on-Wye library closure collect 7,639 signatures

Kenilworth Weekly News : 20th November
Delegation at Downing Street to lobby Conservatives against local government cuts

Stourbridge News : 19th November
Consultation launched over changes to Dudley libraries, archives and adult learning
Under the new proposal, the services would be run together as a not-for-profit mutual  …
