Blackpool Gazette: 19 September
Lancashire | Library’s new chapter won’t begin this year

Somerset Live: 19 September
Temporary home for Bath library during Podium works yet to be found
Critics of the move say several big questions remain unanswered

Bath Echo: 19 September
Bath & NE Somerset | Saltford Post Office set to reopen next week with new community library

Eastbourne Herald: 19 September
East Sussex | Eastbourne library on the lookout for new librarians
Volunteers wanted to fulfil the role of librarian

Warrington Guardian: 19 September
Warrington ‘leading the way’ in delivery of library services

Bristol Live: 19 September
Calls for Bristol’s libraries to be linked with museums

Libraries News Round-up: 19 March

The Star : 19 March How 500 volunteers are keeping Doncaster libraries afloat five years after communities took them over St Albans Review : 19 March Herts | Two state-of-the-art libraries…