
All members are welcome at our meetings and receive a copy of our magazine The Library Campaigner when it is published, at least twice a year.  

Membership Rates

Click on the appropriate link below to use our secure payment form:

Alternatively click here to download the Membership Form or get in touch (details below) and we will forward a copy to you by email or post. Please complete the membership form clearly and return to the address listed. 

Donations welcomed!

We also welcome donations to support our work.  You can make one-off donation here.


It saves both time and money if you pay by Standing Order.  If you are able to do this please fill in the form, which is attached to the membership form, and return it to us.

Gift Aid

If eligible, please sign and return the Gift Aid declaration as it provides much needed extra funds to the charity at no additional cost to you.  You will need to post this even if you pay your subscription online.

Please return the form/s to:

The Library Campaign c/o Andrew Coburn, 13 Shrublands Close, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 6LR

Membership enquiries 01245 356210 or


We will endeavour to send reminders to all members when their membership is due to lapse but those wishing to action this themselves can download the renewal form here Renewal form.

Membership fees and donations fund our work so thank you for your support!