The Library Campaign submitted evidence to the DCMS/DCLG commissioned Sieghart inquiry:

In brief, we said that:
(1) The libraries minister is not doing his job, and is now sabotaging libraries through his inaction.
(2) The basic problems have been obvious for years. The cuts have now created an emergency.
(3) Those responsible for libraries have ignored this. The only relevant work is being done by library users and other non-official groups in their spare time.
(4) Some local authorities perform far better than others. Urgent research is needed to find out how. Councils should be encouraged – or obliged – to adopt efficiencies and avoid closures.
(5) Local branches are vital.
(6) Volunteer-run libraries are not the answer. Even those who run them have been blackmailed into doing so, and want a proper service instead.
(7) Much could still be done to ease the immediate problems, without any major reorganisation. We have 10 URGENT proposals.

Read the full submission here.