A digest of today’s news items, reproduced here, with kind permission from Shirley Burnham, who collated it.  For up to date libraries news follow @ShirleyBurnham on Twitter.

SW Londoner : 20th May
Gove faces backlash after South West London libraries insist children are reading ‘proper’ books

SNP : 20th May
Aberdeen | Donside – Labour candidate challenged on libraries

Cambridge News : 20th May
Has the school library a future in the digital age?

About My Area : 16th May
Essex | New library for Springfield
to be staffed by volunteers from the word go (with support from Essex Libs)


Libraries News Round-up: 9th June 2014

THE BOOKSELLER : 9th June Labour's Goodman warns on library volunteers http://www.thebookseller.com/news/labours-goodman-warns-library-volunteers.html SCL Annual Report 2013/14 http://www.goscl.com/wp-content/uploads/SCL-ANNUAL-REPORT-2013-14-final1.pdf Welsh public libraries review  Call for evidence http://wales.gov.uk/topics/cultureandsport/museumsarchiveslibraries/cymal/libraries/public-libraries-review/?skip=1&lang=en DAILY TELEGRAPH : 9th June…