In 2024, we celebrated The Library Campaign’s 40th year.

In 2025, we want to celebrate all that TLC members are doing now. 

So tell us your success stories!

To encourage you to find the time, we’re running our first-ever £4,000 COMPETITION!

There’s a prize of £400 for the winning entry in 10 categories:

  • Best fund-raising idea
  • Best idea for a children’s/youth activity
  • Best regular activity programme
  • Best creative project
  • Best all-day event
  • Best green project
  • Best publicity campaign  
  • Best joint library/Friends project
  • Best joint project with another local organisation

and, naturally…

    •       Best anti-cuts campaign.

We hope these suggestions will get you thinking…

At TLC we hear a lot about local services in trouble, not so much about the many ways council-run libraries can benefit from genuine engagement with their communities.

We want to get this message heard widely. 

We want to share your good news stories!

Tell us briefly what you did (or are still doing), with links for more information and pictures if possible. Ingenuity may count as much as results on a massive scale.

EMAIL:, or 

POST to: The Library Campaign, 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.

Open only to Friends groups associated with libraries that are part of the statutory service

DEADLINE: 23 March, 2025