Could your Friends group use a £400 grant? We are celebrating our 40th birthday, and a recent bequest, by setting aside £4,000 to award to 10 groups that have good ideas to share. This might be campaigning and publicity, or it might be the many extra activities you contribute to library services that are not in crisis…
In our experience, Friends groups don’t blow their own trumpets enough. We want to encourage you to do so. We are not asking for elaborate presentations – just enough to convey the necessary information. We know how busy you are.
To get you thinking, we have come up with 10 categories: fund-raising idea, children’s/youth activity, regular activity programme, creative project, all-day event, green project, publicity campaign, joint library/Friends project, joint project with another local organisation, anti-cuts campaign.
Interesting entries, whether they win or not, will go into a database to be shared with others. So your good work will get the publicity it deserves…
DEADLINE 23 MARCH. For more details click here